New ‘Country’ field type
In order to make Inrecruiting more intuitive and user-friendly for its users, we have completed the development of a new geolocalised field type called ‘Nations’, which can be used within all forms.
This is either a single select or multi select field, in both cases with autocomplete mode, already populated with the list of all currently existing or discontinued countries.
During the process of configuring the field, as per the image attached below, you can define:
- The category in which to place the field for each form;
- The label that is shown to applicants, users and external platform users;
- The description of the field;
- Any assignable attributes (Mandatory, Sensitive data, Exclude from export, Reserved);
- The possibility of including discontinued (no longer existing) countries among the selectable options.
By benefiting from this functionality, users no longer have to worry about manually entering country names, thus reducing the time needed to create forms, the risk of typing errors and improving the overall efficiency of the platform configuration processes.
Indeed application data
For all customers who use the Indeed platform for recruiting, good news!
In fact, from today Inrecruiting offers the possibility of importing from Indeed all the information contained in the candidates' profiles of the job board.
Specifically, candidates will continue to fill in application forms configured on Inrecruiting by default but, when saving the registration for a vacancy, Indeed will attach to the Inrecruiting form the data entered by candidates directly on their Indeed profile.
Once the functionality has been activated, a new section called ‘Indeed application data’ will appear in the profiles of candidates who have registered for a vacancy published on Indeed.
Here, as in the example image shown, all imported information will be displayed.
As they are not part of the field structure of our ATS, the imported fields and their displayed information will not be able to be modified or rearranged by users in any way. Furthermore, they will not be usable to perform searches within the candidate database.
Finally, upon completion of a new application, the section will be updated with any new data entered by candidates in their Indeed profile, overwriting the current ones.
For more information about the described functionality and how to activate it, please refer to the available user guide article
Privacy and Data Retention policy for inactive candidates
With the aim of providing our customers with a platform that supports them in the management of GDPR compliance activities, a new feature is made available as of November 2024 that allows users to define the data retention and data processing methods for inactive candidates. Specifically, the term inactive identifies all those candidates whose profiles have been created manually by a corporate user, who then do not proceed to create their account on the platform, despite having received the dedicated link.
By following the path System Settings > Privacy and Security > Data retention policy for inactive candidates, users have the possibility of defining the maximum number of days in which the data of inactive candidates can remain in the Inrecruiting database.
Upon completion of this operation, you are asked to define the behaviour of the platform once the period set above has elapsed. In this regard, the user will be able to choose one of the following options:
- Deletion with manual confirmation by the company user in User Account Admin;
- Automatic deletion (without intervention by the company user);
- Send candidate profile/CV update request;
- Keep candidate data.
If the user selects one of the first two options, he/she will be given the option of sending candidates a customisable e-mail notifying them of the deletion of their profiles from the platform.
Finally, we would like to specify that, upon specific request, these processing modes can be extended to all inactive candidates, not only those manually entered by users.
For further information on the described functionality, you can consult the user guide article available HERE, or contact your reference account manager.
Geolocation service update
Thanks to the valuable feedback we receive from Inrecruiting users, in order to provide the most complete service possible, our development team is continuously improving and expanding the address database available on our platform.
To help us further improve this functionality, please continue to provide us with your feedback!
For further information on the new features and the functioning of the Geolocation service, we invite you to take a look at the online help article available HERE or contact your account manager.
Coming soon
Update of candidate sharing with external users
In order to increase the user-friendliness of Inrecruiting, a package of functional and graphical updates of the candidate sharing module with external users will be released in the coming weeks. The focus of the update will be on how to assign permissions. In addition, a new graphical interface will be introduced that will make the sharing process more intuitive.
We will share more information about these updates in the coming weeks.