New vacancy statistics calculation logic

The search and selection of personnel is one of the key activities of HR management, whether it is companies or Employment Agencies. To provide recruiters with structured data in the form of KPIs and advanced statistics with which to monitor the efficiency of these processes, the Statistics module is available on Inrecruiting. 

In this regard, starting from July, a change has been made to the calculation logic of statistics that use the date of publication of ads; In fact, from now on only the date of first publication will be used, any subsequent publications of an already closed vacancy will not overwrite the initial one. 

The goal of the change is to provide a more accurate and consistent representation of the lifecycle of each vacancy and a clearer view of the effectiveness of recruitment strategies, thus improving the planning and optimization of future processes. 

For more information about how the Statistics module works and how to configure it, please contact your account manager.


New Alert for failed e-mail sending

Recruiting involves a continuous exchange of information between companies and candidates. To facilitate external communications, therefore, the appropriate E-mail module is available on the platform.

In addition, to avoid potential overloading of the servers dedicated to sending messages, prevent some of these from being marked as Spam and reduce sending and delivery times, on Inrecruiting it is possible to set up your own SMTP server.   

In this regard, it is now possible to view all possible failed submissions of communications generated by the platform. To do this, just go to the system settings of the application, following the path Settings à Messages à General à List of errors sent emails. 

In this section, the .xls format files generated each day are available for download, providing users with all the information they need to identify the submissions that failed during the previous seven days and the errors that caused them. 

Finally, at the first daily access on Inrecruiting, in case there have been failures in the previous day, users will see a special banner indicating their presence.

For more information about activating the e-mail module, setting up the SMTP server and how the described functionality works, please contact your account manager.


Document Edit Tracking in Timeline

We are pleased to announce a major update to our platform, which further improves the management of documents uploaded by candidates. 

Starting this month, users will have the ability to view  changes made by a candidate to a previously uploaded document in the Timeline of candidate profiles, allowing them to easily compare the current document with the previous version

For more information on the functionality described, please contact your account manager.

Flags in field structure for Full Profile Export

The evaluation of the correspondence between the characteristics required by companies and those of the candidates who register for one of their vacancies is one of the most critical phases. To allow users to collect only the information they consider most important for a correct selection, on Inrecruiting it is possible to create  personalized application forms, thus defining the forms that candidates will have to fill out when registering for an advertisement. To this end, however, it is first necessary to configure the Field Structure, a section of the application in which you can create all the fields that will make up the forms. 

In this section, a new feature is now available that allows you to decide which of the fields created will be excluded from the "CSV Full Profile" exports. 

For more information on the configuration of the Field Structure, Application Forms or the new functionality described, please contact your account manager.