We are excited to announce a major update aimed at improving your experience with Inrecruiting.

We have listened carefully to your feedback and are pleased to present a series of enhancements focused on the System Settings module, designed to make your interaction with the software simpler, more efficient and intuitive.

Indeed, we know how much recruiting processes change over time and how important it is to offer the right tools to be able to do this autonomously, in real time and without cost.

Interface update (UX/UI)

One of the most noticeable new features is the updated System Settings interface. We have worked to improve the visual appearance and navigation of the settings, providing a clearer and more intuitive presentation of the available options. This update will make it easier for you to quickly find the settings you need, without getting lost in complicated menus or hidden options.

New Search Bar

In addition, we are excited to introduce the new System Settings search bar. We recognise that finding a specific setting within a long and complex list can be a challenge, so we have implemented this feature to make your life easier. Just type in a keyword and the search bar will take you directly to the desired option. It is fast, efficient and will save you valuable time during your working day.

New grouping of categories and subcategories

We have spent time thinking about the way categories and subcategories are organised within Settings. With an approach based on analysis of user usage patterns and intuitive logic, we have optimised the structure of Settings to make navigation even more fluid and intuitive. Now you can easily find what you need, without having to worry about having to search around.

Here are the main changes made

  • new Privacy and Security category: includes all configurations concerning Privacy (privacy policy, notification recipients, data retention settings, etc.) and Security (password rules, SSO, 2FA two-factor authentication);
  • new Process Management category: we have grouped together in this section all the configurations concerning the selection process, such as the definition of Application Status, Hiring pipelines, the management of application forms and their field structure, as well as of interview notes and Job Requests forms 
  • configurations concerning the interaction with external systems (job board, etc.) have been grouped together in the External Systems category: LinkedIn and Google Jobs configurations can now also be found in this section.


We want to ensure that your use of our software is as pleasant and productive as possible, and we firmly believe that these updates will help achieve this goal.

We invite you to explore the new settings and familiarise yourself with the new features we have introduced. We are confident that you will appreciate the changes and that they will make your experience with our software even better than before.