For users who have activated the two-way synchronization of their calendar there will be the possibility to use an automatic interview scheduler: thanks to this functionality (Add-on) the system will schedule interviews with candidates based on the criteria set by the user.

After defining the availabilities, Inrecruiting will propose to the invited candidates only the slots still available, updating dates and times dynamically according to their commitments.
In addition, if the candidate connects his personal calendar, the system will automatically cross his commitments with those of the recruiter, proposing only the slots in which both are available.

In the following article you will find information about:

  • Automatic interview scheduler  template creation
  • Scheduling an interview using the Automatic Scheduler 
  • Manual link sending via Automatic Scheduler 

Creation of automatic interview scheduler templates

By accessing Calendar > Manage automatic interviews we can create templates with settings on automatic scheduling.

By clicking on Add Scheduling Page we can then define the settings about the scheduling.

A window will appear in which we can define the name of the events that we are going to create using this feature, the place and the duration they must have:

Under Availabilities, we will have to select the calendar(s) in which the system will check its availability before proposing slots to candidates.

From the Planning section, the following parameters can be defined:

  • Duration: duration of the interview;
  • Minimum advance booking : minimum advance time to book a slot;
  • Buffer interval: minimum time between scheduled interview;
  • Future limit: maximum time in which a slot can be booked;
  • Days and times of availability: select the days and times that will be offered to the applicant(s).

Finally, under Location it will be possible to define where the appointment will take place.

In the case of online interviews, it is possible to manually set the link to the virtual room in which the interview will be held, or alternatively you can choose the Microsoft Teams or Meet entries to automatically generate a room when the candidate selects their slot.

After completing all the settings described above, we will finish the creation by clicking on Save.

We will then find our Booking Page in the automatic interview management:

By clicking on  Copy link we will access the display of the booking page to verify the correctness of the settings set:

By clicking on Edit we will access the modification page of the Booking Page:



To delete a booking page, from this screen we will have to click on Delete. 



Scheduling an interview using the Automatic Scheduler

To create an interview with a candidate in our database using this feature it is necessary within the Calendar to click on Add Automatic > at the top right:



At this point it will be necessary to select from the preset Meeting drop-down menu  the booking template we want to use

and select the candidate to invite:

Finally, simply click on Save:


The candidate will then receive an email from which, through the confirmation link, he can select the slot of his preference without having to access Inrecruiting:

By clicking on the confirmation link, the candidate will see the following screen and can select the best slot among those proposed:



The candidate can also log in to his Google or Microsoft account in order to allow the system to check his free slots and offer him only the days and times available:




Manual link sending via Automatic Scheduler

In the event that we want to schedule an interview with an external user (ES: candidate or colleague without access to Inrecruiting), it will be sufficient to access Manage automatic interviews  > select the booking page desired by us > Click on Copy link > send it by email to the desired user.


The external user will simply click on the link inserted in the email to access the proposals:


After selecting the slot he prefers and confirmed, the external user will see the following screen where he will have to enter his email to complete the operation:

At this point we will receive an email notification informing us that an interview has been made with the external user and the date and time chosen by him: