Another important novelty released with the latest update is the add-on that allows you to synchronize your calendar (Outlook, Google and iCloud) with Inrecruiting.

In the following article you will find information about:

  • Two-way calendar synchronization
  • Calendar view in Inrecruiting
  • Creating interviews

Two-way calendar synchronization

To synchronize your calendar with Inrecruiting you need to go to the Manage your account section > External Provider >Link external provider's account:


After clicking on Link external provider's account , you will enter the email address you want to synchronize.

By clicking on Ok you will be redirected to the login page of your e-mail account, where you will enter your password.

N.B.: depending on your e-mail provider, you may be asked to express your willingness to allow Inrecruiting to access your calendar data. You must give permission to allow you to view your interviews on the Inrecruiting calendar.


N.B.2: in case you request synchronization with Google, you must whitelist our application on Google Workspace.


Once you have selected the desired option, the account link confirmation screen will appear:



By accessing now the management of your account (User Management > Company Users > click on) we will see the indication that our user is connected with his e-mail account:

In case you want to unlink your email account from Inrecruiting, simply click on exit :


N.B.: it may take up to 24 hours in order to fully synchronize your interviews on the Inrecruiting calendar.

N.B.2: for privacy reasons it will NOT be possible to display on the calendar interviews older than 60 days compared to the current date.



Calendar view on Inrecruiting

Once the user will be connected to our email account, we will be able to access calendar > Manage calendar where we will be able to view the synchronized calendars:


By clicking on the flag as indicated in the following screen, we can activate it in the Inrecruiting calendar and view all our interviews created on the personal calendar:


By clicking on instead we can choose whether to share it with other company users:


In this window we will be able to enter the company users with whom we want to share our calendar:

Note: Users with whom the calendar has been shared will only be able to view the occupied slots without displaying any other information.

N.B.2: to share the external calendar on Inrecruiting, it is necessary that this is also shared in the settings of the provider itself (where required).

Once we have entered the list of users with whom we want to share our external calendar, they will receive a notification with the request to accept the share.



Interview creation:

Following synchronisation, interviews created via Inrecruiting will automatically appear in your personal calendar.

Depending on the provider used (Microsoft Exchange or Google calendar) when creating the interview, you will also be able to choose whether the meeting will take place on Microsoft Teams or Google Meet: Inrecruiting will automatically create the link to which you can connect on the day of the interview. 

When calendar synchronization is active, the user creating the interview will NOT receive the ICS file in the interview creation confirmation email, but the interview will be found directly synchronized on the personal calendar, with participation status configured.