With the release of the latest update of the Calendar module, an important novelty is represented by the creation of Multi-calendars: each company user will have the possibility to create up to 10 different personal calendars.
By clicking on the top right on Calendar Management you can access the view of the calendars currently present, activate or deactivate them, create new ones and edit them:
To create a new calendar you will need to click on Calendar Management > Create Calendar:
A window will then appear for the creation of the new calendar, in which we will define the name and if it is a Shared Calendar with other company users.
After clicking on Save, we will see our new calendar in Calendar Management.
By clicking on the flag on its right we can activate or deactivate it:
By clicking on the icon we will access the change of the calendar settings.
Each calendar will have events created with a different color, identified in Calendar Management > color of the activation flag.
During the creation of the appointment, we can determine the calendar to be associated with our event by selecting it from the appropriate select:
The display of the Multi-calendar will then be as follows: