The release of the latest update to the Calendar module  introduces the ability to share your calendar with colleagues.

Thanks to the new shared Calendars feature, you can determine for each of your calendars whether to share it with other company users and what information they should have access to.


When creating/editing a calendar, you can decide to share it with other company users by flagging permission as indicated in the following screen:


On this screen you can first define the users who will have full access to the interviews information


Those who will only see the title of the interview, so they will not have access to the list of participants, the venue of the event and tracking data, attachments and other information entered:

And finally, company users who will only see that in that particular slot you are not available, but will not have access to any data regarding interviews:

Company users with whom the calendar will be shared will have the option to enable/disable interview visibility from the Calendar Management > Other Calendars.