Over the next few days an update of the Inrecruiting Calendar module will be released, which will combine a graphic restyling and some functional innovations.
In this article you will find information about:
- User interface;
- Interview creation;
- Interview details;
- Set date and time availability;
- Sync your calendar (Outlook, Google calendar, etc ...) - Add-on;
- Automatic Interview Scheduler - Add-on.
User interface
The following screenshot shows the new interface of the Calendar module:
With the new view it will be possible to quickly filter the calendar by week, month, day, or view a list of interviews based on a range of dates set by the company user and view the interviews created using the set date and time availability function:
From this screen it will also be possible to access the Calendar Management and activate those of our interest:
Interview creation
To create a new interview you will need to click on the Add new button:
The interview creation interface has been updated to make entering information clearer and faster:
With the release of the update, it will be possible, in addition to indicating a limited time slot, to set the interview for the whole day, by ticking All Day :
In the Location section it will be possible to indicate if the interview will take place in a physical place, if it will take place online (with the possibility of adding the link to which it will be necessary to connect) or through Meetin (in case this additional module is active):
In the event that the interview is held in person, you can enter the venue where the meeting will take place.
You can configure locations so that you can select them from a list by going to System Settings > General Settings > Company Locations > Add Location> Fill in the fields > Determine whether to use the address as the default location for interviews and whether it is the Headquarter > Save
During the creation of the interview we can then decide whether to use a saved location or whether to enter a new address:
After clicking on Insert manually, you will be able to enter the address:
In the event that the interview takes place online, you can click on the Online tab and enter the URL:
For customers who have activated the Meetin module, it will be possible to click on the dedicated Tab:
In this case, each participant will receive an email with the link to participate in the interview.
At this point we can proceed with the insertion of internal participants (candidates or company users) and external ones (users who do not have access to Inrecruiting):
N.B. you will no longer be able to share individual interviews with your colleagues, but it will be possible to share the entire calendar. In addition , the previous shares of individual interviews will no longer be available.
Alternatively, you can now share your entire calendar with your colleagues using the new Calendar Sharing feature
A novelty that will be integrated with the update is the ability to hide company users from candidates by ticking the relative option:
It is also possible, by clicking on Request a confirmation from participants, to send them this request:
The candidate will then be sent an email containing a link, from which he/she can directly confirm or decline the interview invitation:
In the Other information section it will be possible to insert a description of the interview and the attachments (visible to candidates):
In the last section, Tracking, it will be possible to associate the interview with a Team, a Company, a Job Order, a Vacancy and a Client Referral in order to maintain an internal tracking of the activity carried out.
NB: such tracking data will never be visible to candidates.
Interview details
Once the creation of the interview is completed we will find it in our calendar.
By clicking on the icon we will access the details of the interview where the title, date and time of the start and end of the meeting, the creator, the type, the traceability and the participants divided by business users, candidates and external users are indicated:
In case it is an online interview, we will also have the link with the possibility of copying the login URL:
In case it is an interview on Meetin, we will have the indication in the calendar through the icon
By clicking on we will be directed directly to the video interview.
By clicking on Edit you can make changes to the interview:
By clicking on Delete you can cancel the interivew (this operation is only possible for "future" interview):
Using the function of request confirmation to participate, the interview will be displayed with or without a colored section on the left following the following criteria:
Set date and time availability
A new graphic aspect has also been developed for interview for which we want to use the set date and time availability function: in creating an interview we will find in the set date and time availability section the item set date and time availability to flag. As soon as we click on the option we will have the following display:
At this point it will be necessary to select the duration of the interview and the date by which the candidate must express his preference. Once these parameters have been set, we can click on Continue at the top right to view the calendar and select the slots to be proposed:
After selecting the slots by clicking on the times we prefer, simply click on Save.
Also using the set date and time availability ", the candidate will thus be sent an email containing a link, from which they can directly confirm or decline the interview invitation.
In the event that the "set date and time availability " function is used, the interviews will not be visible in the calendar until the candidate has chosen the slot among those proposed.
We will find these Interviews by selecting from the drop-down at the top right relating to the time filter the item Proposed:
After selecting this item, we will see the list of our interviews waiting for the choice of the slot by the candidate:
The colored square placed before the title of the appointment, will give us an indication about the state in which the appointment is located:
Viola awaiting confirmation
Red expired
When the candidate expresses his preference, our interview will be correctly visible in the calendar:
Personal calendar synchronization (Microsoft Exchange, Google calendar, iCloud) - Add-on
With the release of the new update it will also be possible to automatically synchronize (two-way) your Microsoft Exchange calendar, Google calendar or iCloud.
Following the activation of this function (add-on) it will therefore be possible to use the Inrecruiting calendar and find the same information on personal calendars and vice versa for appointments.
Synchronization will be immediate, so you can see changes and updates in real time.
Automatic Interview Scheduler - Add on
Finally, a new automatic interview scheduler system has been introduced, through which it is possible to send a link to candidates from which they can set a date for their interview.
Inrecruiting crosses your calendar so that the candidate can easily schedule a meeting or call when both of you are available.
Candidates then choose a time slot available on the calendar in order to automatically create the appointment.
It is necessary to have calendar integration with Microsoft Exchange, Google calendar, iCloud enabled to use this function.