To import Candidates it is necessary as a first step to define the Fields Structure within Inrecruiting.
Subsequently, in the section System Settings > Importer > New data import > Candidates import box > from the "CSV template" button, you can download the template to be filled in to import the data into Inrecruiting.
Information on filling out the CSV
NB: The format of the CSV file must meet the following requirements:
- UTF8 format
- It must not contain empty columns or rows
The information within the CSV of the candidates must be "linear" or there must be one and only one line for each candidate. In the event that there is more information of a certain type for the same candidate, these must always be inserted in a single line.
Candidate Id | Language 1 | Written level 1 | Spoken Level 1 | Language 2 | Spoken Level 2 | Written level 2 |
1 | Italian | Mother language | Mother language | English | Very good | Good |
The CSV in this format is correct because the candidate is present in only one line and, compared to the next example, the information is translated to be inserted in a single line.
Candidate Id | Language | Written level | Spoken level |
1 | Italian | Mother language | Mother language |
1 | English | Good | Very good |
The CSV in this format is incorrect because the same candidate is present twice in two different lines
Candidate profile fields
Before being imported, all the data of the candidate's profile are validated by the system according to the validation of the field type of the profile for which they are being imported.
E.g.: Phone number: 3123456789 > This data cannot be entered in a validated Phone field because it does not have the international prefix +393123456789,
If the numbers do not have the international prefix, they can only be entered in a "Text" type field.
Single/multiple selection
The single and/or multiple selection fields do not require that the drop-down option is already present in the system because when the importer does not find that particular option he will automatically enter it for that particular field that you are trying to import.
In the case of multiple selections, the values to be imported must all be entered in the same column separated by a comma.
Each field can be formatted during mapping.
Candidate Id | Gender |
1 | M |
2 | F |
In this case it is not necessary to go to operate directly on the CSV to transform all the M values into Male and the F values into Female but during the mapping phase when you go to map the gender field it will be possible to indicate that the M value corresponds to Male and the F value to Female. In this way, the importer will be directly responsible for replacing the values.
The address field in order to be geolocated must always have the country mapped in ISO2 format and the zip code. In the event that these data are not present, the address will still be imported but will not be geolocated.
Fields of type date
Fields of type "Date" must be formatted with the format YYYY-MM-DD.
In the column showing the PatchCV associated with the candidate, the file extension must also be present and the file name must be the same of the CV you want to import.
ES: CVMarioRossi.pdf
NB: the file name must not contain special characters. The only characters allowed are lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, dash and underscore.
Photo Name
In the column showing the Name of the photo associated with the candidate, the file extension must also be present and the file name must be the same of the Photo you want to import.
ES: ImgMarioRossi.jpg
User type
In this select we will determine the type of candidates we are importing, so if they are "Candidates" or "Employees".
The values must be filled in as follows:
for Candidates, the value = 0 must be entered
for Employees, the value = 1 must be entered
NB: In the event that a candidate is already present in your Inrecruiting database, it will not be overwritten or imported as the email address is unique and the data will not be increased.
After completing the configuration of these settings, it will be possible to start the data import process by accessing System Settings > New data import > Fill in the fields in the Candidate Box by entering the name of the import, selecting the separator and loading the csv file with data to import.
After uploading the CSV file you will need to click on the Import button.
Following this operation, a new window will open in which you will proceed to map the fields:
In the first part you have the configurations, which are used to determine the parameters to be used for mapping.
User type Default *
In this select you will determine the type of candidates you are importing, so if they are "Candidates" or "Employees".
In the event that the CSV does not have the User Type column or a value is missing for some user, the type selected in this configuration will be assigned.
Thousands and decimals separator*
In this select you are going to set if the separator of thousands and decimals in our csv file is inserted with a period or a comma.
In the event that in our file there is no separator of thousands and / or decimals, this parameter can not be defined
Registration notification*
In this select you are going to set whether or not to send an email notification to candidates to let them know that their details have been added to your Inrecruiting database.
NB: If you decide not to send the registration notification to candidates at the Import stage, but decide to send it afterwards, you will need to contact customer support and ask them to do so.
Notification Language*
This select box defines the language in which the registration notification will be sent to candidates.
In the second part we will find a table where to map the basic data of the candidate's profile on Inrecruiting:
First name*
In the row relating to the name, in the CSV column, we will select the column in which we have entered the names of the candidates.
The association of this field is mandatory in order to carry out the import.
In the row relating to the surname, in the CSV column, we will select the column in which we have entered the surnames of the candidates.
The association of this field is mandatory in order to carry out the import.
In the row relating to the email, in the CSV column, we will select the column in which we have entered the email addresses of the candidates.
NB: It is NOT possible to enter two candidates with the same email address.
The association of this field is mandatory in order to carry out the import.
User type
In this select we will determine the type of candidates we are importing, so if they are "Candidates" or "Employees".
NB: the values must be filled in as follows:
for Candidates, the value = 0 must be entered
for Employees, the value = 1 must be entered
External ID
The external ID, in case you are importing data from another ATS, is the ID associated with the candidate from the previous system and will also be used eventually in subsequent imports to associate the data.
If, on the other hand, you are not migrating data from another ATS, this ID will only be used to associate the candidates with the other imports.
CV name
In this field we will have to select the column in which we have inserted the PatchCV.
NB: In the column showing the PatchCV associated with the candidate, the file extension must also be present.
ES: CVMarioRossi.pdf
Name of the photo
In this field we will have to select the column in which we have entered the filename of the candidate's photo.
NB: In the column showing the Name of the photo associated with the candidate, the file extension must also be present.
ES: ImgMarioRossi.jpg
Domain of origin
In this field we will have to select the column in which we have entered the candidate's source of origin.
Created on
In this field we will have to select the column in which we have entered the date of obtaining the data by the candidate.
Fields of type "Date" must be formatted with the format YYYY-MM-DD.
NB: this parameter will be used in the Data retention logics.
Updated on
In this field we will have to select the column in which we have entered the date of the last update of the data by the candidate.
Fields of type "Date" must be formatted with the format YYYY-MM-DD.
NB: this parameter will be used in the Data retetion logics.
Last login
In this field we will have to select the column in which we have entered the date of the last update of the data by the candidate.
Fields of type "Date" must be formatted with the format YYYY-MM-DD.
In the Privacy section it is possible to map any privacy information accepted by the candidate, in order to import them on Inrecruiting.
NB: the values must be filled in as follows:
for candidates who have accepted the privacy, the value = 1 must be entered
for candidates who have NOT accepted the privacy, the value = 0 must be entered
Finally, it is possible to map the fields of the candidate's internal profile by clicking on Select:
After clicking, a drop-down will appear in which there are the categories of the fields of the internal profile:
At this point, a new table will appear with the selected category where you are going to select the field you want to insert in the mapping to import it and the relative column in which it is inserted in the CSV.
After selecting the field to import and the column in the CSV, simply click on Field Mapping:
This operation will be done for all the categories and all the fields that you want to import.
Finished entering all the categories and fields to be mapped, you will click on "Save and Import".
From this moment you will find our import in Importer > List,section in which you will see the progress of our import: