Within the Sendin module, the Sendin > Template item is the tool that allows the creation of a responsive newsletter  without the need for any knowledge in programming languages, using a Drag & Drop element composition system.

Through the Template module it will also be possible to create text templates for SMS campaigns:

When opening the module, the list of all templates (both SMS and Email) created up to now will be displayed. Each single template will be editable, duplicable and eliminable using the options highlighted in the following screenshot:

Furthermore, for the email type templates, through the preview button, it will be possible to see a preview of the selected template:

The module provides 4 predefined templates to simplify the process of creating your newsletters:

If you want to start the newsletter creation process from scratch, just click on the Blank template icon:

The screen will consist of three main elements:

1. Template name

This information will only be visible within Inrecruiting and it will be the name that will also be displayed in the template list.

2. Subject

This information will be visible to all candidates who will receive your communication and will be the subject of the email.

3. Template

It is the tool that will allow you to design your communication through the composition elements on the right menu.

The template module has several functions.

Starting from the upper toolbar, we have the possibility to:

  1. Change the display mode from desktop to mobile;
  2. Undo or redo an operation;
  3. Highlight the actual space occupied by each element inserted in the template;
  4. Show any items that have been set as "hidden" by the settings;
  5. Work on the creation of the template in full screen mode;
  6. Delete all elements inserted in the template.

Moving to the side toolbar, we find all the elements that can be added to our template.

To correctly create a template you first need to define the basic structure in which the actual contents will be inserted (texts, images, buttons etc ...).

First you need to select from the "Blocks" menu one of the elements present in the "Columns" section:

For all the elements available in the columns section it is possible, through the style menu, to modify the background color, the width and to set a border that will outline the entire element:

The border can be fully customized, in particular:

  • width: the higher the value, the thicker the border will be;
  • style: allows you to choose the type of border (solid line, dashed line etc ...);
  • color: allows you to choose the color of the border.

Once the structure has been defined, you can use the elements available in the "Contents" section to add the contents of your communication:

There are several elements you can use to customize the template:

  • Title
  • Text
  • Button
  • Divider
  • Image
  • Social sharing
  • Unsubscribe
  • Grid example
  • List example

All the above elements can be added by drag & drop and deleted by clicking on the trash can icon that appears by clicking on the border of the element.


through this element it is possible to insert the main message of your communication.

Once the element has been inserted via drag & drop, a default text (Lorem ipsum) will appear in the builder, which you can change by clicking on it. In addition, the Style Tab will automatically open in the side menu, allowing you to customize various parameters (font, size, alignment, etc.):


through this element it is possible to add textual information about your communication.

Operation and customization are the same of the TITLE element.


through this element it will be possible to add a call to action to your communication.

By clicking on the text it will be possible to edit it, witch the same customizations of the two elements indicated above. Also, by clicking on the Settings TAB, it will be possible to insert the link to which you want to redirect the candidates in the Link field and, through the Target field, choose if you want to open the link in a new browser tab:

By clicking on the background color of the button it will be possible to modify its color, the border and the padding, which is the space between the internal border of the button and the text:

By clicking on the Settings TAB it will be possible to choose the horizontal alignment of the button (right, center, left) through the Alignment field. You can also choose whether to hide this element from the desktop view or from the mobile view through the Hide field:


through this element it will be possible to insert the same spacing between one element and another.

From the Style TAB it will be possible to increase the distance between the various elements using the padding fields above and below, while using the right and left padding fields it will be possible to adjust the length of the dividing line.


through this element it will be possible to add images to your template.

Double click on the image preview to access the Media Library, from which you will be able to upload the images you need for your communication.

To use the uploaded image, simply select it from the list and click on the Select image button.

From the Style TAB it will be possible to change the size of the image through the width field and add a border.

From the Settings TAB it will be possible to insert a link to be associated with the image and, through the Alignment field, to choose its horizontal alignment (right, center, left).


through this element it will be possible to connect to your social platforms.

By clicking on the single icon of a social network and then clicking on the settings TAB it will be possible to enter the URL of the corresponding social page in the link field.

The Social network field allows you to change the icon that will be displayed through a drop-down menu (the list of social icons cannot be changed).

The Icon Type field allows you to use different styles of social icons.

The Add social icon button will allow you to add additional icons to those already loaded by default (facebook, twitter, linkedin).

The Remove Icon button, by selecting an icon first, will allow you to remove it.


It is the most important element of communication, as it is the tool that allows you to be compliant with the GDPR regulations, allowing candidates to choose whether to continue receiving promotional communications from you or not.

The text of the Unsubscribe element already contains the correct link to allow your candidates to unsubscribe.

The customization options for this field are the same as the Title and Text fields.


It is an element made up of two columns of the same size, already prepared for the insertion of 1 image, 1 title, 1 text and a button:


It is an element made up of two columns of different sizes, already prepared respectively for the insertion of 1 image in the first column and 1 title, 1 text and 1 button in the second column:

Once you have finished customizing the template, you can send a test email using the Send test button. In this way you can verify that everything is displayed correctly even within your mail client.

Once the creation and testing phase has been completed, just save the template using the Save button to be able to use it within your campaigns.