It is possible to add pre-set Templates, selecting E-mail from the left Menu then clicking Template > Add E-mail Template" (top right of the page).

When creating the template it is possible to set:

  • Category (categories can be added/modified from System Settings > Customisable fields > General > Email template: categories): categories are visible to company users only and can be used to organize different template types;
  • Type of recipient: visible to company users only, allows to track if the email will be sent to candidates of company users;
  • Title: visible to company users only, used to identify the specific template;
  • Description: visible to company users only, useful to add additional information on the specific template:
  • Subject: the actual subject of the e-mail sent to candidates;
  • Message: text of the e-mail sent to candidates;
  • Dynamic Fields First Name | Surname: allows to automatically substitute the relevant information with the specific First name | Surname of each candidate.

Once the templates have been saved, these could be used:

  • by selecting Send message > Select Template in a single candidate's profile

  • from any candidates list, by selecting one or more profiles from the left checkbox and clicking on Sent message from Template > Send at the bottom of the page

Before sending the message will then be possible to select the e-mail address to use as the sender of the communication.