By accessing the list of the candidates registered for a vacancy, you will have the possibility to select 2 different types of candidates' visualization:


    The display in "TABLE" mode allows you to have an overview of the registrations received, including some information on the Candidates, such as the registration date, Name, Surname, age, Application Status, Candidate Status, number of applications made for your own company, the preview of the CV, the video presentation, a personal score to be assigned referring to the vacancy (which will never be visible to candidates) and the score obtained through the AE Score:
    The "TABLE" view is recommended to put more focus on the candidates' profiles.


    The recent release of the new Inrecruiting Hiring Pipeline, the system for tracking the progress of the candidate along the selection process directly from the ATS, has offered recruiters the possibility of monitoring the progress and status of the selection. The introduction of this new feature is accompanied by the new Kanban view (Kanban Board) which has helped to make the graphical interface more modern and the service usable.

    In addition to facilitating the analysis and management of the selection process, the new Kanban display method of candidates registered for a vacancy can be adopted at any time and as an alternative to the previous one. It will be sufficient to make a switch to enable one or the other, depending on whether you want to focus on the candidate or on the Application status.Unlike the Table view that highlights the candidates registered for a vacancy in the form of a list, the new Kanban Board allows recruiters to structure the entire pipeline of applications and view the candidate sheets under their specific category. If in the classic view, therefore, each candidate was associated with an "Application status" label that could be set or changed from a drop-down menu, now the candidate cards can be dragged into the Hiring Pipeline and easily moved between the various categories (Application status).

    Candidates who are not eligible for the vacancy will appear in a separate "Disqualified" card.

NB: when a view is chosen for a vacancy, the system will "save" it in all the vacancies (only for the user itself).

It will always be possible to switch between one view and the other in real-time.