Inrecruiting gives you the possibility to automatically publish your vacancy on over 30 Job Boards.

While publishing the vacancy you should click the voice Multiposting on Job Board > Yes, in Tab 2 Publishing, to select the Job Boards you want to activate.

The system will automatically publish your vacancy on the selected Job Boards; candidates who will find your vacancy on one of these Job Boards will be redirected on Inrecruiting so that every application will be received in the same backoffice.

You will then be able to track, for each vacancy, the number of views and applications for each Job Board.

You can also select which portals you want to display in the Multiposting on Job Board section, from the are System settings > External systems > General > Free multiposting default configuration > activating/disabling the Job Board you are interested in.

NB: once published on Inrecruiting, vacancies are immediately added to the XML Feed sent to each activated Job Board.

The actual publishing time on each portal may vary and depends on each Job Board own organization.

Each portal reserves the right to publish or not your vacancies, depending on internal policies. At the link below of Inrecruiting online guide you will find the guidelines on how to correctly publish a vacancy from some of the Job Boards in ou Multiposting:

NB2: The Multiposting Job Boards list displayed in this section may vary at any time, accordingly to choices made by each Job Board or by Intervieweb S.r.l.