It is possible to Share the profile of one or more Candidates or a "Candidates' List" with people outside the company, in the following ways:

  • from the candidate profile, by clicking on the sharing icon
  • from any list of candidates, selecting one or more candidates from the side "checkbox" and then selecting "Share candidates" in the drop down menu at the bottom of the page.

    NB: it is possible to share a maximum of 50 candidates at the same time

  • after creating a "Candidate Lists", by clicking on the sharing icon that appears in Candidates > Candidate Lists

At this point the sharing interface will be opened and it will be possible:

  • choose the maximum duration of access for the external user;
  • assign the name of the sharing;
  • tracking the vacancy that will be automatically associated with any interview note entered by an external user.

    NB: tracking will only be visible to internal users and not to the external user.

    This permission will work in the case of:

    a. sharing of a single candidate from any candidate list;

    b. sharing of multiple candidates in multiple selection made exclusively from the Register tab of a vacancy;

    c. sharing of a candidate list if a vacancy has been drawn in the list in the field already present.

  • add the email address of the external user with whom you want to share information;
  • define which information to display:
    • Anonimous: candidate's details are shared, but not the "confidential" type fields (as defined in System Settings > Process management > Application Form > Candidate profile field structure)
    • CV: candidate's attached file is shared
    • Dowload CV: the attacched file could be dowloaded
    • Reserved Fields: also "reserved" type fields are shared (as defined in System Settings > Process management > Application Form > Candidate profile field structure)
    • Video Presentation: the video presentation, if available, is shared
    • Add Comments: external users will be able to add comments on the candidate
    • View company user comments: external users will be able to see all comments in the candidate's profile Comments Tab
    • View external user comments: external users will be able to see all company users' comments from other external users;
    • View all comments from the date of sharing: only comments from this date will be visibile to external users;
    • View company user Interview Notes: external users will be able to see interview notes written by company users in the candidate's profile Interview Notes Tab;
    • View external user interview notes: external users will be able to see the interview notes from other external users;
    • Add Interview Notes: external users will be able to add Interview Notes.

External users will receive an email notification, containing the access link to their private area, from which they will be able to access the information shared with them.

Shares made with external users can be seen in Candidates > Candiates Sharing: you'll find the share Name, type, user who made the share, external user who received it and the share's Expiry date.