You can search candidates using the following ways:
- Using the field Search candidates located in the Header bar in each page of the software you can search by name, surname or e-mail of the candidate you are looking for.
- Using the Tab Search located in the side Menu > Candidates you have the opportunity to make a detailed research of the candidates of you DB.
- Basic Search
- Advanced Search
1. Basic Search
With the new Inrecruiting version we have integrated semantic search algorithms within the Candidate Search. For each search in the database you will get a list of candidates sorted according to a score corresponding to the keywords you are looking for. You will also be able to use the Synonyms to look for the best candidates and not lose anybody.
Within Basic Search, you have the following searching options:
- Boolean search: you can use the box to carry out a boolean search, which will cover all information on Candidates (including attached CVs).
Within Simple Search, there is a search box that allows you to set up your search using Boolean operators, i.e. a series of commands and operators that we use to combine keywords into sentences that our search engine can understand.
NB: Boolean operators must be written in CAPITAL letters. - Search by Filters: allows you to use pre-set fields from the system for the candidate profile, such as your home address, professional experience, education level, etc.
In this case, the system will act as a true "filter", ie by going to select only the candidates with the required specifications without attributing them a score, as is the case for Full text search.
- Vacancy - Filter candidates by a certain vacancy. Shows candidates who have applied for that vacancy (doesn't include deactivated candidates)
- Candidate Lists - You can find all candidates who have been added to a certain list. You can find all candidates who have been added to a certain list (A user can only search on the lists that are either shared with or created by them).
- Distance From - This can be any field that is of the type "Geolocalised Address". E.g. Home Address.
- To - You need to enter an address/location here, postcode is best to use.
- Less than (km) - Enter the number of km or miles you want to search. For example, if you want to find all candidates who live within 50km of the office, you set Distance From as: Personal Details - Home Address, To as: SE1 0EH and then enter 50 in the Less than field. The field uses the Latitiude and Longitude stored in each address field.
- Compose the Search Filter - Select the criteria you want to search on from the drop-down. (For more information, see below).
- Save this Search - Will save the search for future use. If the user also has search agent permissions as part of their role they will receive a weekly update summarising any new candidates that have applied that meet the saved search criteria.
- Search Button - Click to run the search.