An update was released today which impacts the Vacancies and Job orders.
Here are the details:
- We have introduced in the section Vacancies > List the possibility to depublish or delete vacancies massively.
Through the side checkbox, it will be possible to select the vacancies of interest (with a maximum limit of one screen) and from the quick actions menu at the bottom of the page it will be possible to choose whether to depublish or delete the selected vacancies. - For published vacancies, a button has been added that redirects to the landing page of the specific vacancy.
- When publishing a vacancy, the values of the Functional Area field (located in the side menu on the right) and of the fields in the section Other info > Employment type, Education Level Required and Level of Experience are editable from the section System Settings > Personalisation > Customisable fields > Vacancies.
In the past, these fields are shared between the Vacancies and the Candidate Field Structure (the section from which they can currently be edited), but from now they are independent and it can be possible to customise them differently. - The same as above for Vacancies also applies to the 'Sector' field when adding a job order, which is now customisable from System Settings > Customisations > Custom fields > Vacancies.