Once published on Inrecruiting, Job offers are immediately sent to all the selected Job Boards in the Multiposting section to be published on those portals.

The actual publishing time on each portal may vary and depends on each Job Board own organization.

Each portal reserves the right to publish or not your vacancies, depending on internal policies. At the link below of Inrecruiting online guide you will find the guidelines on how to correctly publish a vacancy from some of the Job Boards in ou Multiposting:


Below some guidelines to correctly publish your vacancies:

  • check that the Multiposting is active on Inrecruiting, clicking on "multiposting on Job Board > yes" in Tab2 Publishing of the vacancy

The view/application rate of each Job Board does not depend on Inrecruiting, but on different external factors, for example, competition of similar/nearby job offers, offered contract type, company reputation, etc., in addition to what was previously stated in this article.