Adding intruments

First of all, you will need add AON instruments to Inrecruiting.

To achieve that, you need to go to

1.    System Settings

2.    External Systems

3.    Configure mapTQ

4.    Add Intruments


Fill the instrument with data provided by AON and save.

NOTE: at the state of the art, parsing scores fails, thus preventing the collection of completed instruments. As a workaround, please set Automatic Score to OFF.

Send instrument to candidates

Two possible options are offered for sending instruments to candidates:

1.    Send one instrument to one specific candidate

2.    Send one instrument to a bulk of candidates (e.g., the result of a search)

Send instrument to one candidate

Navigating inside the candidate’s detail page, you will find a new action for sending an instrument to the candidate itself. Please refer to the following figure for further details:


Send instrument to multiple candidates

From the candidates' search of your interest, you can find a new entry inside the actions’ drop-down. Please refer to the following figure for further details:


Checking instrument status

Two possible options are offered for checking instrument status:

1.    Overview of all known instruments

2.    Instruments sent to a specific candidate

Instruments’ overview

On sidebar you will find a new entry named mapTQ and from there you can access the instruments’ Overview.


Clicking onto the instrument name, you will be able to check all the detail of that given instrument.

Candidate’s Instruments’ overview

Navigating inside the candidate’s detail page, you will find a new tab named mapTQ. Here you can check the results of every instrument ever sent to the candidate.