From System Settings > General Settyngs > Appearance Settings > Application Appearance it is possible to configure the company logo and colours:

  1. Theme Colour - This setting controls the colour of: 
    • Dashboard Widgets
    • The colour of the text in the menu bar when you hover over
    • The Sort Order bar on Careers Page/iframe integration
    • The title of vacancies when using List Only on the vacancies iframe
    • Buttons on vacancy links
  2. Text Colour - This setting controls the colour of: 
    • Title text for Dashboard Widgets
    • The menu bar text colour
    • The text on the Sort Order bar on Careers Page/iframe integration
    • Text on buttons on vacancy links
  3. Logo - Displayed above the menu on all internal pages. 
  4. Export Logo - Displayed in the export files generated from the system
  5. Social Networks Logo - The image that will be displayed when you share a vacancy on LinkedIn, Google+ or Facebook.
  6. Login logo - Displayed on the login page