
Indeed configurations
Disposition Data    There is now a new option help improve the quality of applications sent from Indeed. Enabling this setting will only share dispos...
Tue, 13 Feb, 2024 at 5:57 PM
By clicking on System Settings> Marketplace you can access the list of third-party systems integrated with Inrecruiting.        By clicki...
Tue, 13 Feb, 2024 at 5:57 PM
Single Sign On (SSO) setup - Microsoft 365 (Azure)
Azure Microsoft 365 SSO configuration    In order to be able to use SSO with Microsoft 365, preliminary steps must be taken.:      1.    You need ...
Tue, 13 Feb, 2024 at 5:58 PM
AON - MapTQ Integration
Adding intruments First of all, you will need add AON instruments to Inrecruiting. To achieve that, you need to go to 1.    System Settings 2.    ...
Thu, 8 Jun, 2023 at 4:05 PM
Indeed - Sponsored jobs management
With Inrecruiting it is possible to automatically manage the publication of sponsored jobs on Indeed. NB: to activate this functionality, you must agree...
Mon, 15 Jul, 2024 at 2:38 PM