The "Hiring Pipeline" consists in the progress of the candidate in the selection process.
8 Categories describe the different steps of the recruiting process and therefore allow you to always have an eye on where the candidate has arrived in the process.
The categories of the Hiring Pipeline are:
- Applied: the candidate spontaneously registered for the vacancy
- Sourced: this category will include candidates who have been associated with the vacancy by a company user.
- Screen: the candidate's profile is being analyzed/checked for skills with respect to the requirements of the vacancy
- Interview: the candidate has been invited to an interview (in person or remotely)
- Evaluation: the candidate is in the final stage of the selection process
- Offer: the candidate has been offered a job offer
- Hired: the candidate has been hired
- Disqualified: the candidate was indicated as unsuitable or the candidate refused the offer
All Pipelines have Categories in common, which cannot be modified or deleted and in which candidates will be automatically associated.
Applied: candidates spontaneously registered for the vacancy will be included in this category.
Sourced: this category will include candidates who have been associated with the vacancy by a company user.
The Hired and Disqualified categories contain Application Status (or stages) common to all the Pipelines: in the first, it will be possible to associate the candidates hired, while the second will be associated with candidates indicated as unsuitable or who have rejected the offer.
The first step to follow for correct use of the Hiring Pipelines is the configuration of the different Pipelines, which can then be selected when creating a vacancy.
To configure a Pipeline, click on System Settings > Process management > Vacancies > Hiring Pipelines.
On this screen, you can create new Pipelines (based on the limits set by your In-recruiting plan) by clicking on the "Add new" button at the top right or by duplicating one of the Pipelines already available, by clicking on the dedicated icon.
For each Pipeline it is possible:
- delete the Pipeline itself by clicking on the
icon (with the exception of the Pipeline already associated with a vacancy, which CANNOT be deleted)
- change its name by clicking on
- select which Pipeline should be used as Default for all vacancies
- modify the Automatic Notifications associated with the change of a Application Status
- duplicate the Pipeline, copying the configurations and settings
- enter the Pipeline configuration by clicking on
By clicking on the title of each Pipeline, you can map the Application Status, which can be assigned to candidates while using the specific Hiring Pipeline, with the Categories by dragging the fields from one column to another.
Finally, by clicking on the colour box on the side of each Category, it will be possible to customize the reference colour of the same and of the Application Status that are part of it, in order to make them more visible in the list of Registered users of a vacancy.
Hiring pipeline configurations
Clicking on the icon provides access to the configurations of individual Application status in the pipeline.
- Status only selectable if candidate has at least one interview note > Yes: it will be possible to associate the specific status only if the candidate has an Interview Note saved in the profile.
- Mandatory submission of Ondemand forms after status assignment > Yes: following the association of the status with the candidate, it will be necessary to select which Ondemand form to send to the candidate;
- Send notification email to candidate >Yes: if activated the "Mandatory submission of Ondemand forms after status assignment " feature, the system will send an email to the candidate to fill out the Ondemand form;
- Send notification to the vacancy referent when the vacancy status changes / Send notification to team referent when the application status changes/ Send notification to HR referent when the vacancy status changes: Send a notification when that specific application status is assigned to the applicant.
- Possibility of status assignment at a past/future date > Yes: when associating the status it will be possible to define whether the assignment of the status is to take place at a past or future date.
The Hired and Disqualified categories are "fixed" for all Pipelines and can be mapped when creating Application Status by clicking on System Settings > Process management > Vacancies > Application status > Add new > Status category type > Hired/ Disqualifed.
Application Status will automatically be associated with all available Pipelines.
NB: for the Hired and Disqualified Categories it is mandatory to have at least 1 Application Status enabled.
To associate a Pipeline to a vacancy, simply enter Tab.2 Publishing > Publishing Options and from "Hiring Pipeline" choose the desired one (based on the possibility of creating multiple Pipelines provided for in your contract).
Thanks to the introduction of the Pipeline it is possible to manage the candidates registered for a vacancy by tracing the various stages of the selection through the Application Status associated with each Category.
To change the Application Status it is possible to click on the arrow beside the status set, passing to the next one
or by clicking on the status itself and selecting one of the items from the menu below.
To associate the candidate with one of the Application Status mapped in the Disqualified Category, click on the icon and select the desired status from the drop-down menu.
After associating the candidate with one of the status of the Disqualified category, the icon will be coloured red, while the last Application Status assigned previously will remain visible, but "opaque".
It will always be possible to disassociate a candidate from the Disqualified category by clicking on the last assigned Application Status and choosing a new one from the list.
To indicate the candidates hired, it will be necessary to select HIRE in the list of Application Status or to advance the candidate to the last step of the selection process mapped in the Pipeline.