By accessing the section System Settings > Privacy & Security > Privacy settings history, you can view the list of changes made in the System Settings > Privacy section:
N.B. In this section you will find the list of changes made to the Privacy section as of 20/01/2025, therefore the past history will not be available and N.A. will be displayed.
N.B.2 Changes made to the Privacy Policy section are not included in this tracking
Clicking on Privacy settings history will open the list of all the versions of the Privacy settings, where in the first column we find the starting date of validity of these settings, in the second column the date on which the change was made and therefore corresponds to the end of this version of the settings; in the third column we find the name of the company user who made the change
Click on the wink icon to access the details of the privacy settings version:
In the columns we find the indication of the Versions:
- Previous version : in this column we find the configurations present in the previous version compared to the one we have selected, with an indication in the first line of the validity period and who carried out the configuration
- Selected version : shows the version for which we clicked on the icon to select it, and indicates the validity period and the configuring user
- Current version : indicates the version of the privacy settings currently in effect, detailing its period of validity and the configuring user
In the rows we find the list of configurations that can be set from System Settings > Privacy and Security grouped into types:
We will find indications of changes made to:
- Data controller;
- Recipients of notifications for Privacy;
- Notification recipients for new registrants;
- Recipients of notifications for new registrations sent by suppliers;
- Recipients notified when a candidate updates personal data;
- Recipients notified when a candidate updates CV attachment;
- Recipients of notifications for Export Data Retention details;
- Setting permanence of candidates in database;
- Setting permanence inactive candidates in database;
- Setting permanence Download in database;
The changes will be detectable as the modified data will be highlighted in yellow:
In this specific case we can see that in theprevious version to the selected one, i.e. in the period from 01-01-2024 to 12-01-2025 the sending of an email notification to the candidate when their profile was deleted from the DB was active, as of 12-01-2025 this configuration was deactivated by the user