• Vacancies Landing page
    It is now possible, from Tab.1 Description of the vacancy, to add a cover image for each published vacancy (Cover image), which will be visible on the landing page and in the integration via iframe/json.
    Furthermore, the user interface (UI) of the vacancies has been optimized and the application form will be acce
    ssible on a different page than the job description; it will thus be possible to track new KPIs of the vacancy such as the click-through rate (CTR), i.e. how many candidates after reading the vacancy have chosen to click on "Apply", and the average time spent by candidates in reading the job description and when completing the application form.

    Given the changes to the UI of the landing page, the possibility of activating the "Display Application Form below Vacancy Details" function from Tab.2 Publication of vacancies will be definitively removed.

    Finally, it will be possible to download the QR Code of each vacancy (by clicking on the Share button) to facilitate sharing even off-line (e.g. career-day, branch/office window, reception, etc.)
  • Displaying vacancies on the candidate portal
    The graphical interface has also been updated on the candidate side. By accessing their private area and clicking on the vacancies, they will in fact find an updated view of the job offer, which will now also contain the new cover image.
  • New KPI on Timo to read and Time to fill for vacancies
    Thanks to the modification of the landing page, KPI are now available on the average time it takes to read the vacancy and fill out the form in the Statistics Tab of the vacancy.

    NB: At the moment these statistics are calculated only on candidates who complete the application process.

  • New vacancy list interface (coming soon)

    An update to the vacancies list interface for the Company Users side will be released soon.

    The column relating to "Disqualified" candidates will also be implemented.