With Inrecruiting, you can now post your vacancies on Google.

This service offers several advantages:

  • Results included in advanced multimedia search results: your job offers may be eligible to show up in the Google job search experience along with logos, reviews, ratings, and job offer details.
  • More numerous and motivated candidates: the new user experience allows those looking for a job to filter the results based on different criteria, for example location or qualification. In this way, you will most likely attract the attention of candidates who are looking for exactly that job offer.
  • More possibilities for discovery and conversion: people looking for work will have a new way to interact with offers and click to reach your site.

To proceed with the publication of a vacancy on Google Job you need:

  • Insert the image in System Settings > Personalisation > Graphic Interface > Google Jobs Logo
  • Enter the corporate website URL in System Settings > General settings > Company Information > Contact Details > Web Site
  • In the creation of the Vacancy, in the Tab.2 Publishing, in the "Multiposting on Job Board" tick the field "Google"

To proceed with the publication of the Announcements on behalf of a Customer on Google Job it is necessary to:

  • Insert the image in Clients > Edit Client > Company Data > Google Jobs > Google Jobs Logo
  • Enter the corporate website URL in Clients> Edit Client > Company Data > Web Site

NB: Google Job is currently available in the following countries https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/job-posting#region-availability