Job Wrapping is a LinkedIn service that allows you to automatically publish vacancies from Inrecruiting in LinkedIn Job Slots managed through LinkedIn Recruiter.
NB: in order to activate this feature, you must agree on its use with your LinkedIn and Inrecruiting representatives.
N.B.2: beginning in August 2024, jobs posted by search and staffing companies may no longer be visible on LinkedIn when they are ingested as Basic Jobs or Limited Listings from third-party sources such as applicant tracking systems (ATSs) and job boards.
To identify the vacancies to be published in "Job Wrapping" mode, during the publication of the same, in Tab.2 Publication, it will be necessary to check the item Job wrapping > Yes from section LinkedIn Basic Jobs Details
This will place vacancies in a dedicated XML Feed, which LinkedIn will use to automatically import vacancies in Job Slot mode.
N.B.3: As required by Linkedin, a maximum of 3 values can be selected in the Job function field