Other feautures

It's an area in which you can upload Guidelines relating to the recruiting process to share with company colleagues. To create a new notices you have ...
Mon, 5 Feb, 2024 at 11:43 AM
The Providers module allows creating a Registration Form for providers only (who will receive an authentication code), where they will be able to upload the...
Tue, 17 Sep, 2024 at 12:21 PM
Employees - Internal Job posting
We have developed an employee management module, which allows you to collect the CVs of company employees and carry out a job posting within the company. Yo...
Wed, 18 Sep, 2024 at 3:11 PM
The Referral module allows you to manage and track referrals of new candiates made by candidates already registered in database and company employees, thank...
Fri, 21 Jul, 2023 at 11:03 AM