The combined work of artificial intelligence techniques and processes simplifies the semantic matching task. Based on a Job Description or a candidate's profile, Inda is able to identify a set of candidates similar to the one being examined or the one resulting from a search for a specific vacancy. Candidate analysis and evaluation, validated by scoring, also enables more functional matching between vacancy and candidate.

By generating the vacancy with the Job Vacancy Text Generation feature, in Tab 1 of the vacancy "Description" the TAGS section of the vacancy will be populated automatically: we will find it completed with the tags extrapolated from INDA based on the data entered:

What is extrapolated in this section is not editable nor integrable: if you wish to insert custom Tags, the data entered through INDA in this section will be deleted.

Thanks to such tags we will have the Suggested Candidates tab populated with a list of Candidates in your database that the software suggests as suitable with respect to the ideal profile sought.

Upon accessing the candidate's profile, you will find a box on the left where the vacancy for which there is a match will be indicated:

The percentage shown to the right of the vacancy title will tell us how akin the candidate is to the job offer

There is also a dedicated Job Matching tab in the candidate profile:

From this section you will be able to add candidates to the vacancy by simply clicking on "Add to Vacancy"

Similarly, the candidate by logging into his or her restricted area will be able to see suggestions for vacancies for which he or she is in line with the profile sought: by clicking on Vacancies > Job Matching he or she will find a list of vacancies to review and possibly be able to apply:

Applications that came in through Job Matching will be identifiable by the pink flap under the source in the Register Tab: