To import the Interview Notes on Inrecruiting you need to access System Settings > Importer > New data import > Fill in the fields in the Interview Notes box by entering the name of the import, selecting the separator and uploading the csv file with the data to be imported:
NB: The format of the CSV file must meet the following requirements:
- UTF8 format
- It must not contain empty columns or rows
- It must not contain cells with special characters
The information within the CSV of the candidates must be "linear" or there must be one and only one line for each candidate. In the event that there is more information of a certain type for the same candidate, these must always be inserted in a single line.
External Candidate Id | Language 1 | Written level 1 | Spoken Level 1 | Language 2 | Spoken Level 2 | Written level 2 |
1 | Italian | Mother tongue | Mother tongue | English | Very good | Good |
The CSV in this format is correct because the candidate is present in only one line and, compared to the next example, the information is translated to be inserted in a single line.
External candidate id | Tongue | Written level | Spoken level |
1 | Italian | Mother tongue | Mother tongue |
1 | English | Good | Very good |
The CSV in this format is incorrect because the same candidate is present twice in two different lines
Interview notes fields
All the data of the interview notes before being entered are validated according to the validation of the type of field of the interview notes for which they are being imported.
Candidate Id | Gender |
1 | M |
2 | F |
In this case it is not necessary to go to operate directly on the CSV to transform all the M values into Male and the F values into Female but during the mapping phase when you go to map the gender field it will be possible to indicate that the M value corresponds to Male and the F value to Female. In this way it will be directly the importer to take care of the replacement of the values.
Single/multiple selection
Single and / or multiple selection fields do not require that the drop-down option is already present in the system because when the importer does not find that particular option he will automatically enter it for that particular field that you are trying to import.
In the case of multiple selections, the values to be imported must all be entered in the same column separated by a comma.
After selecting the CSV file you will need to click on the Import button. Following this operation, a new window will open in which you will proceed to map the fields:
In the first part we have the configurations, which are used to determine the parameters to be used for mapping.
- Candidate Association: In this section we determine the criterion with which to search for the candidate to be associated: you can decide to associate the candidates by external ID or by ID.
-Form: in this selection we will determine which form to associate with the interview notes
- Customer association: In this select you determine whether to associate a customer and on the basis of which criterion to search for it, then whether by external ID or internal ID to Inrecruiting
- Ad association: In this select you determine whether to associate an ad and according to which criterion to search for it, so whether by external ID or internal ID to Inrecruiting
- Order association: In this select you determine whether to associate a job and on the basis of which criterion to search for it, then whether by external ID or internal ID to Inrecruiting
- Division association: In this select you determine whether to associate a division and according to which criterion to search for it, then whether by name, external ID or internal ID to Inrecruiting
-Thousands and decimals separator: In this select we are going to set if the separator of thousands and decimals in our csv file is inserted with a period or a comma.
In the event that in our file there is no separator of thousands and / or decimals, this parameter can not be defined.
In the second part we will find a table where to map the basic information:
To map the fields of the basic information, you will need to select in the CSV column, the item that must go to enhance the data on Inrecruiting in the first column.
The Candidate and Title fields must be mapped in order for the import to be successful.
Finally, it is possible to map the fields of the interview notes by clicking on Select:
After clicking, a drop-down will appear in which there are the categories of the fields of the interview notes.
At this point a new table will appear with the selected category where we are going to select the field we want to insert in the mapping to import it and the relative column in which it is inserted in the CSV.
After selecting the field to import and the column in the CSV, simply click on Map Field:
This operation will be done for all the categories and all the fields that we want to import.
Finished entering all the categories and fields to be mapped, we will click on "Save and Import".
From this moment we will find our import in Importer > List and status of data imported section in which we will see the progress of our import: